What to Look For in a Lone Worker Alarm

A lone worker alarm is an essential safety device that can save lives and reduce risk for employees who work alone or in isolated areas. They can be triggered by a panic button, or automatically if the alarm detects danger in an area. A variety of lone worker alarms are available to suit all circumstances and business types. They range from devices that operate over open radio channels to smartphone apps and can be personalised based on the user's needs. stay safe app Using a lone worker alarm can protect your staff from a variety of hazards and risks, including assaults and attacks by intruders or service users. It also gives you the opportunity to train your workforce on the use of a lone worker safety device, and to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of the system and how it works. Some lone worker alerts are sent to text messages, while others require someone else to make a direct call to 911. In either case, this is time-consuming, and it's important to ensure that all alerts are promptly sent, received, and acted upon. When looking for a lone worker alarm, consider the following features: Personalisation – Customise a lone worker alarm to your exact requirements and to the individual workers within your organisation. For example, a health nurse visiting a patient's home could use a lone worker alarm to trigger an alert when they enter a certain area of the house or to provide a voice note with details of their situation.